Does the Bible talk about confidence?
Here's the answer:

Yes, the Bible talks about confidence. That confidence can come from God.
Some people think that being confident is arrogant. While there are many people who have self-righteous confidence, we as Christians, need to have confidence in God. Through having confidence in God, we can be confident in ourselves. This doesn’t mean that we will be prideful, but rather, it means we will be humble and know that our confidence is found in God.
Many kids and adults struggle with confidence. Know that this is okay, but God wants you to be confident in Him (Psalm 118:8-9). We do not need to place our confidence in others or even in ourselves (Philippians 3:3). All of our confidence needs to be found in the Lord. Only He is worthy of our confidence and hope.
When you are struggling with being confident, turn to God. Look to Him instead of your mistakes. Know your worth in Him. You are a beloved child of God and that will never change. Put all of your hope and confidence in Him. God will never let you down.

Bible Truth
"It is better to go to the LORD for safety than to trust in mere human beings. It is better to go to the LORD for safety than to trust in human leaders" (Psalm 118:8-9).
"Scripture says, 'The one who believes in him will never be put to shame'" (Romans 10:11).
"So let us boldly approach God’s throne of grace. Then we will receive mercy. We will find grace to help us when we need it" (Hebrews 4:16).