What does the Bible say about faithfulness?

Here's the answer:

The Bible refers to faithfulness in four different ways: an attribute of God, a positive characteristic of some people, a characteristic some people don’t have, and a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible stresses the importance of faithfulness in the sense of believing in Jesus (Colossians 1:2). If a person believes in Jesus, they are placing faith in Him. The Bible also talks about faithfulness because God is faithful. No promise of God has ever been broken (1 Kings 8:56). God is faithful because it is at the core of His being. Psalm 89:8 says, “LORD God who rules over all, who is like you? LORD, you are mighty. You are faithful in everything you do.”

God is faithful to forgive us from our sins, give us salvation, and keep us safe from evil (1 John 1:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:3). We can place our faith in Him because He is worthy of our trust. He is always reliable and will never fail us.

If a person is unfaithful, there will be consequences. If we wander away from Jesus, we will be more prone to the attacks of the devil and be tempted to sin. However, if we are faithful to God, we will walk closely with Him and be prepared for the devil’s attacks. Choose to always stay true and faithful to God. It might be hard not to wander sometimes, but remember that God is always faithful to you and you can be faithful in return.

Lastly, the Bible also refers to faithfulness in the sense that it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). One can make this fruit grow in their life by depending on the Holy Spirit and following Him. If you have difficulties in this area, ask God for help. He will be faithful to help you.

Bible Truth

"'You have done well, my good slave!' his master replied. 'You have been faithful in a very small matter. So I will put you in charge of ten towns'" (Luke 19:17).

"Blessed is the person who obeys the law of the LORD. They don’t follow the advice of evil people. They don’t make a habit of doing what sinners do. They don’t join those who make fun of the Lord and his law. Instead, the law of the Lord gives them joy. They think about his law day and night" (Psalm 1:1-2).

"But the person who is godly will live by his faithfulness" (Habakkuk 2:4b).