What does the Bible say about humility?

Here's the answer:

Humility is very important in the eyes of God.

Humility or being humble is when you put other people's interests above your own. Those who have humility are meek, kind, and lowly in spirit. Humility is based in the heart, so you cannot see it by just appearances. God wants us to have humility because it ultimately brings us to Him.

A person cannot come to believe in Jesus without humility. Humility points us to Jesus. We see our fallen state, the bad things we have done, and our need for a Savior (Romans 3:23). Once we understand these things, we will turn to Jesus and believe in Him. If we do not practice humility, we will remain prideful and distant from God.

The person who has perfect humility is Jesus. Jesus laid down His life in order to save our own (Philippians 2:5-11). As His followers, we should follow His example of humility. Just as Jesus placed other people’s interest above His own, so should we. We should treat everyone kindly and not think too highly of ourselves.

Bible Truth

"Don’t be like that. Instead, anyone who wants to be important among you must be your servant. And anyone who wants to be first must be your slave" (Matthew 20:26-27).

"In the same way, I’m speaking to you who are younger. Follow the lead of those who are older. All of you, put on a spirit free of pride toward one another. Put it on as if it were your clothes. Do this because Scripture says, 'God opposes those who are proud. But he gives grace to those who are humble'" (1 Peter 5:5).

"You are God’s chosen people. You are holy and dearly loved. So put on tender mercy and kindness as if they were your clothes. Don’t be proud. Be gentle and patient” (Colossians 3:12).