What does the Bible say about loneliness?
Here's the answer:

God doesn’t want us to be lonely.
Loneliness is a difficult emotion. Sometimes we assume that loneliness only impacts people who are alone, but it can also affect people who are surrounded by many people. Have you ever felt lonely, yet you were in a crowd or surrounded by your classmates? This is because loneliness is a feeling, not necessarily a physical state of being.
To feel lonely means that you feel you are all alone, nobody cares, and you are without hope. You desire to be connected with others. God wants you to know that you are never alone because He is always with you. King David felt loneliness throughout his life, yet he always turned to God (Psalm 25:16-21). We should follow King David’s example and run to God whenever we feel lonely.
When you are feeling lonely, turn to God. There is comfort in knowing that He is always walking beside you. He has promised He will be with us to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:18-20). Take comfort and hope in the truth that you are never alone. You may feel lonely at times, but remind yourself to look to the Lord. He is always with you (Hebrews 13:5-6).

Bible Truth
"Turn to me and help me. I am lonely and hurting" (Psalm 25:16).
"Don’t be controlled by love for money. Be happy with what you have. God has said, ‘I will never leave you. I will never desert you.’ So we can say boldly, 'The Lord helps me. I will not be afraid. What can mere human beings do to me?'" (Hebrews 13:5-6).