What does the Bible say about money?
Here's the answer:

Money is something we need in order to live. God says we are not to love money.
One of the most well-known Bible passages about money is 1 Timothy 6:10, “Love for money causes all kinds of evil. Some people want to get rich. They have wandered away from the faith. They have wounded themselves with many sorrows.” This passage from Paul teaches us that money can become a dangerous thing if we are not careful. If we love money, we will fall into many of Satan’s traps.
The love of money will cause us to become obsessed with it. With time, we may be willing to do anything for money. Stealing, lying, and doing other bad things won’t even bother us because we will be so focused on getting more money. Having a love for money will cause us to have many sorrows in life. This shows us that money cannot make us happy. True joy can only be found in Jesus.
If we look at 1 Timothy 6:10 again, we see that the love of money is the root of all evil. However, if we choose to see money as something we need for life, but we don’t love it, we won’t become obsessed with it. Money is something we will all need in life, so it is not a bad thing in itself. It is only when we turn money into an idol that it becomes a bad thing.

Bible Truth
"No one can serve two masters at the same time. You will hate one of them and love the other. Or you will be faithful to one and dislike the other. You can’t serve God and money at the same time" (Matthew 6:24).
"Then he said to them, 'Watch out! Be on your guard against wanting to have more and more things. Life is not made up of how much a person has'" (Luke 12:15).
"Don’t be controlled by love for money. Be happy with what you have. God has said, 'I will never leave you. I will never desert you'" (Hebrews 13:5).