What do I do when I get sad? Does the Bible talk about sadness?
Here's the answer:

Yes, the Bible talks about sadness. When you are sad, God wants you to turn to Him.
Being sad will happen throughout your life. Nobody likes being sad, but it is a result of the fall of mankind. Whenever you are sad, God wants you to go to Him. Pour out all your feelings to Him. Don't be afraid to cry.
King David was a man who was one of the writers of the book of Psalms. Throughout Psalms, we see David crying out for God and being very sad (Psalm 31:10). He says, "Pain has taken over my life. My years are spent in groaning. I have no strength because I’m hurting so much. My body is getting weaker and weaker." Maybe you have also felt this sad. David wasn’t ashamed of his tears. Instead, he brought them to God.
God never wanted us to be sad. It is only because of sin being in the world that we are sad. The next time you are sad, don't get mad at God. Turn to Him, allow yourself to cry, and tell Him how you are feeling. No feeling is too big for God. He will help you feel better just like He helped David.

Bible Truth
"How long must I struggle with my thoughts? How long must my heart be sad day after day? How long will my enemies keep winning the battle over me?" (Psalm 13:2).
"We live to be about 70. Or we may live to be 80, if we stay healthy. But even our best days are filled with trouble and sorrow. The years quickly pass, and we are gone" (Psalm 90:10).
"Blessed are those who are sad. They will be comforted" (Matthew 5:4).