What should I do after I sin?
Here's the answer:

Pray and tell God what you have done and that you know it was wrong. You can say, "I'm sorry, God."
God forgives. When we confess our sins, we keep good fellowship with God. It’s kind of like when you're disobedient to your mom or dad. You know what you did wrong and they know it too. When you’re around them, it feels weird, like there is something in between you. When you go to your mom or dad and say you’re sorry and they forgive you, the sad and broken feeling is gone. That restored relationship is called fellowship. You were still their child when you disobeyed, but it is good to have fellowship so you can talk and enjoy each other.
That’s how it is with God! Telling God that you know you did wrong and asking Him to help you stay away from this sin next time is how you return to fellowship with Him. God wants to be in fellowship with each and every one of His children, even after we sin.
It’s important to know that this type of prayer is for those who have already believed in Jesus as their Savior. In order to have fellowship with God in the first place, you need to have a personal relationship with Him that begins by admitting you’re a sinner and putting your faith in Jesus to save you from your life of sin. To find out more about how to start a relationship with Jesus, click here.

Bible Truth
"But God is faithful and fair. If we admit that we have sinned, he will forgive us our sins. He will forgive every wrong thing we have done. He will make us pure" (1 John 1:9).
"He has removed our lawless acts from us as far as the east is from the west" (Psalm 103:2).