When I give money to my church, where does it go?
Here's the answer:

The church uses your gifts to serve people and fund ministry.
When you give money in the offering, it goes to the church’s bank. From there, the church leaders and/or the congregation decide how the money is spent. For example, your church may need to pay for rent, heat, lights, the materials you use in Sunday School, and your pastor’s salary. Usually a portion of your offering is also used to support missionaries serving God around the world. Perhaps your church also helps those who are poor or needy in your community.
When you give an offering to your church, you are giving a gift to God. We give out of obedience, but also out of love. We can love God by sharing what we have with those who need it.

Bible Truth
"People who serve in the temple get their food from the temple. Don't you know this? People who serve at the altar eat from what is offered on the altar. Don’t you know this? So those who preach the good news should also receive their living from their work. That is what the Lord has commanded" (1 Corinthians 9:13-14).
"Here is the command God has given us. Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister" (1 John 4:21).