I just accepted Jesus as my Savior. What's next?
Here's the answer:

You have made the best decision—trusting Jesus Christ as your Savior! Welcome to God's family!
You have made the best decision—trusting Jesus Christ as your Savior! Welcome to God's family!
So what do you do next? The Bible tells us there are 5 things you should do to start your life with Jesus. If you have more questions, please ask us.

1. Don't forget about your relationship with God through Jesus.
Now that you know Jesus died for your sins and gives you forgiveness, remember Him every day and thank Him for His gift. Remember that no one can take that gift away from you! You will always be forgiven of your sins, forever and ever, no matter what. God will never leave you and one day you will be with Him in heaven.
2. Go to church to be with other kids who believe in Jesus.
Tell your parents or your pastor or Sunday school teacher that you trusted in Jesus today so they can celebrate with you! Learn more about the Bible at church so you can know God and what He wants you to do. At church you can also sing songs to praise God. If your family doesn't go to church, maybe a friend or neighbor or teacher can take you to church with them.
3. Spend time learning about God and talking to Him every day.
Learn about God by reading your Bible at home (the Bible is like a letter God wrote to all of us). Talk to God by praying. When we pray, we just talk to God about things we need, things that are hard for us, and things that we want to thank Him for. Talk to your family about God, too—ask questions, and have them use the Bible or this website to help you find the answers.
4. Make friends who also love Jesus.
When you have friends who love Jesus like you do, you can help each other remember to make good decisions that will make God happy—like deciding to obey your parents and do well in school. Even if you don't have friends who love Jesus, just remember all the things the Bible teaches you, and you will always know how to make right choices.
5. Be baptized.
When kids (or adults) are baptized, they are showing other people that they have trusted in Jesus to forgive their sins. This tells people that you will obey Jesus and live a new kind of life. It's like your old life died and you got a brand new life from God. Some kids wait until they are a little older to be baptized, but it's okay to do it now if you understand what Jesus has done for you.

Bible Truth
Section 1:
1 John 5:13; Romans 3:23, 6:23; Romans 5:8; 1 Corinthians 5:21; John 3:16; Romans 5:1; 8:1; 8:38-39; Matthew 28:20; John 10:28-29
Section 2:
2 Timothy 3:16-17; Revelation 4:11
Section 3:
Luke 18:1; Philippians 4:6; James 1:5; Matthew 6:10; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12
Section 4:
1 Corinthians 15:33; Hebrews 3:13; 10:24
Section 5:
Romans 6:3-4
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