Are we supposed to give money to the poor?
Here's the answer:

Yes, the Bible encourages us to be generous.
When you've gone out with your family, you have probably seen poor people. It can make you sad to know that there are people living in poverty. It could be that a few of your friends at school are poor. God doesn’t want people to live in poverty, and this is why He helps them. A key way He helps them is through Christians.
God may lead you to give to the poor. If He does, you need to listen and give what you can. God always defends the rights of the poor and needy (Jeremiah 22:16). Since God cares about the poor, we need to care about them, too. God is pleased when we help the needy, provide them with support, and bless them financially.
We don’t need to close our eyes to the needs of the poor (Proverbs 28:27). The apostle John tells us, “Suppose someone sees a brother or sister in need and is able to help them. And suppose that person doesn’t take pity on these needy people. Then how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, don’t just talk about love. Put your love into action. Then it will truly be love” (1 John 3:17–18). If we truly follow God, we will give to the poor and help them in any way we can. If you’d like to give to the poor, talk to a grown up you trust and he or she can share some ideas of how to best help them.

Bible Truth
"Anyone who is kind to poor people lends to the Lord. God will reward them for what they have done" (Proverbs 19:17).
"Whoever refuses to listen to the cries of poor people will also cry out and not be answered" (Proverbs 21:13).
"Suppose someone says, 'I know him.' But suppose this person does not do what God commands. Then this person is a liar and is not telling the truth. But if anyone obeys God’s word, then that person truly loves God. Here is how we know we belong to him. Those who claim to belong to him must live just as Jesus did" (1 John 2:4–6).