Should I lend money to my friend?

Here's the answer:

You should lend money to your friend if they are truly in need of money. Ask a grown-up first. They will be able to help you know if it is wise to help your friend.

Jesus tells us, "Give to the one who asks you for something. Don’t turn away from the one who wants to borrow something from you" (Matthew 5:42). From Jesus’ statement, we are told that we should lend freely. In fact, Jesus also tells us that we should lend without expecting to get anything back (Luke 6:35). Lending to others is a natural expression of the love we have for Jesus. We should want to lend to others because it means we are following Jesus’ example.

When you lend money to a friend, you don’t need to expect to get the money back. If you constantly bug your friend and ask for them to repay you, then you are not following Jesus. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be repaid, but when we give, we don’t need to expect to receive it back. By demanding for our money to be repaid to us, we won’t be a cheerful giver.

If you trust your friend, and they are going to use the money wisely, then yes, you should give it to them. However, if you know your friend is going to use the money on things that are not beneficial, then no, you don’t have to give it to them. Lending money for food and for toys are two different things. Practice right judgment and lend to those who are truly in need.

Bible Truth

"Suppose you lend money to one of my people among you who is in need. Then do not treat it like a business deal. Do not charge any interest at all" (Exodus 22:25).

"Suppose someone is poor among you. And suppose they live in one of the towns in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Then don’t be mean to them. They are poor. So don’t hold back money from them. Instead, open your hands and lend them what they need. Do it freely" (Deuteronomy 15:7–8).

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good amount will be poured into your lap. It will be pressed down, shaken together, and running over. The same amount you give will be measured out to you" (Luke 6:38).