Is it all right to tell a little lie every now and then?
Here's the answer:

God wants us to always tell the truth.
God always tells the truth, so He wants us to always tell the truth too. Just like it's not okay to steal something every once in a while, it's never okay to lie, either. Every time you lie, you're sinning and displeasing God.
Lies often get bigger and bigger as we make up new lies to cover up the first lie. Sometimes, we can't remember what's true and what was made up. Also, friends and family can't trust people who lie. Ask God to help you always tell the truth.

Bible Truth
"Then keep your tongues from speaking evil. Keep your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil, and do good. Look for peace, and go after it" (Psalm 34:13–14).
"Suppose you can be trusted with very little. Then you can be trusted with a lot. But suppose you are not honest with very little. Then you will not be honest with a lot" (Luke 16:10).