Why does my friend have more stuff than me?
Here's the answer:

We often want something someone else has because we think it would also be good for us.

But God has a plan for all of us. For God, the most important thing is our friendship with Him. Maybe having too many "things" would get in the way of that. Maybe having too many things would get in the way of someone else having a friendship with God. We just don't know why we all have different blessings in life. But God knows, and we should trust Him.

It's good to remember that having fewer things than someone else doesn't mean God loves you less. Jeremiah 31:3 says, "I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. I have kept on loving you with faithful love." This message is to all of us. God doesn't need to prove His love for us by giving us more things. His great love for us was proven by the gift of His Son, Jesus—a gift He wants all of us to have!

Bible Truth
"You gain a lot when you live a godly life. But you must be happy with what you have. We didn't bring anything into the world. We can't take anything out of it. If we have food and clothing, we will be happy with that" (1 Timothy 6:6–8).
"Then he said to them, 'Watch out! Be on your guard against wanting to have more and more things. Life is not made up of how much a person has'" (Luke 12:15).