Is there power in positive thinking?
Here's the answer:

There is no power in positive thinking.
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale developed the power of positive thinking in his book, “The Power of Positive Thinking.” Despite this book coming out in 1952, it has recently become more popular. The idea of the power of positive thinking is not biblical. Nowhere in the Bible are we taught the same teachings as Dr. Norman Vincent Peale teaches in his book.
Instead of relying on this book, we need to see what the Bible says. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale promoted the idea that if you think good thoughts, good things will happen to you. In the same way, if you are positive, positive things will happen to you. This does not align with the Bible. Positive thoughts and positive thinking do not bring good things.
Good things in our lives happen because of God—not positive thinking (James 1:17). The best thing that could ever happen in our lives is knowing Jesus as our Savior. You cannot have Jesus as your Savior apart from believing in Him. The power of positive thinking can never earn your salvation and it won’t make your life better. Every good gift comes from God!

Bible Truth
"Every good and perfect gift is from God. This kind of gift comes down from the Father who created the heavenly lights. These lights create shadows that move. But the Father does not change like these shadows" (James 1:17). "'Who can ever know what is in the Lord’s mind? Can anyone ever teach him?' But we have the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:16).