Was Jesus born in a manger?
Here's the answer:

After Jesus was born, Mary laid Him in a manger. A manger is a place where animals are fed.
You may have heard that "Jesus was born in a manger." He wasn’t born in the manger, but the Bible says that Mary laid Him in a manger after He was born. Luke 2:7 says, "She gave birth to her first baby. It was a boy. She wrapped him in large strips of cloth. Then she placed him in a manger. That’s because there was no guest room where they could stay."
Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem for a census. While in Bethlehem, the time came for Jesus to be born. Because there were large crowds, there was no more room at the inn for Mary and Joseph. The couple may have been staying in the stable or in the lower level of a house (where the farm animals lived).
After Jesus was born, Mary wrapped Him in cloths and laid Him in a manger. Later that night, shepherds from nearby fields came and worshiped Him.
Why was Jesus born in a place where animals were kept and then laid in a manger? Jesus deserved a clean bed, but instead He came humbly. Jesus came to us in a humble way and His first bed was a manger.

Bible Truth
"She gave birth to her first baby. It was a boy. She wrapped him in large strips of cloth. Then she placed him in a manger. That’s because there was no guest room where they could stay" (Luke 2:7).