Does the Bible tell us how to dress or what clothes to wear?
Here's the answer:

Yes, the Bible tells us we need to dress modestly in clothes that are right and proper (1 Timothy 2:9).
Dressing modestly is how we can dress in a way that brings glory to God. This means we shouldn’t wear anything to bring glory to ourselves. It also means we shouldn’t wear anything inappropriate. While the Bible doesn’t tell us exactly which styles we should wear, we are to dress modestly. By dressing modestly, we will be respectful of God and others.
The way we dress will also influence other people in our life. For example, if you wear really short shorts, your little sister might want to do that as well. By doing this, you could be a bad example by saying it is okay to wear very short shorts. It can get hot in the summer, but we don’t need to wear anything that could draw negative attention to ourselves, and we don’t need to lead others into sin.
God provided the first clothes for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:21). This was the first animal sacrifice. Each morning, when we get dressed and ready for school, we need to remember that God has given us clothes. With this in our hearts, we need to dress in a way that is respectful of Him. This means we wear clothes that our parents say are okay and avoid anything that is inappropriate.
If you aren’t sure what clothes are appropriate, ask a grown-up you trust.

Bible Truth
"In the same way, I want the women to be careful how they dress. They should wear clothes that are right and proper. They shouldn’t wear their hair in very fancy styles. They shouldn’t wear gold or pearls. They shouldn’t wear clothes that cost a lot of money" (1 Timothy 2:9).
"A woman must not wear men’s clothes. And a man must not wear women’s clothes. The Lord your God hates it when anyone does this" (Deuteronomy 22:5).