What does “Gospel” mean?
Here's the answer:

The word gospel means "good news." It is the good news about Jesus and His way of salvation!
The gospel of salvation contains both good news and bad news. In order to understand the good news, we need to start by understanding the bad news. First, the Bible says that everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23). God is holy and perfect and we all fall short of God’s standard. Next, the Bible tells us we will die because of our sin. It is what we deserve (Romans 6:23). Death and being separated from God is the penalty for our sin.
The good news is amazing! God loves the world so much that He sent Jesus to die for our sins (John 3:16). Jesus is the only person who has never sinned, so He is the only person who could take the punishment for our sins. He rose from the dead to show us His power. Jesus is the only path to heaven. "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'" (John 14:6).
God’s gospel, His good news, is that by faith we can trust Jesus to save us. If you want to accept this good news, you can pray a prayer like the one below. Praying a prayer can’t give you eternal life, but it is a way to tell God you’re turning from your sin and to faith in Jesus.
"Dear God, I'm sorry for going my own way and sinning against You. I deserve to die for my sins and be separated forever from You. But I believe Your perfect Son, Jesus, took the punishment for sin by dying on the cross. Then He rose from the dead, showing that He won the victory over sin and death. I now turn from my sin and trust Jesus as my Savior from sin. I will follow the Lord Jesus now!"
If you trusted in Jesus as your Savior by accepting His good news, please click on the "I trusted in Jesus today" button below.

Bible Truth
"What I received I passed on to you. And it is the most important of all. Here is what it is. Christ died for our sins, just as Scripture said he would. He was buried. He was raised from the dead on the third day, just as Scripture said he would be" (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).