What is a budget?

Here's the answer:

A budget is a helpful tool for managing your money.

The word "budget" is not used in the Bible, but the Bible does talk about stewardship. Stewardship means taking good care of the money that has been given into our care. We may work for the money, but we are only given the ability to work from God. Without God’s blessings in our lives, we wouldn’t be able to work or be productive at whatever we put our mind to.

After you get a job and start living on your own, you will have the opportunity to start a budget. Your parents may already have a budget of their own. A budget is set in place in order to help you manage your money wisely. God wants us to manage our money correctly, as this is good stewardship. Every good thing we have been given on this earth is from God (James 1:17).

We need to use the blessings we have been given, including financial blessings, for the glory of God. We can be wise with our budget by not making unnecessary purchases or spending our money carelessly. For every purchase or decision, we need to bring it before God. Pray over the decision and ask for His help in your budgeting goals. God will help you to be a wise steward of your money.

Bible Truth

"Honor the Lord with your wealth. Give him the first share of all your crops" (Proverbs 3:9).

"Wise people store up the best food and olive oil. But foolish people eat up everything they have" (Proverbs 21:20).

"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you sit down first and figure out how much it will cost? Then you will see whether you have enough money to finish it. Suppose you start building and are not able to finish. Then everyone who sees what you have done will laugh at you. They will say, 'This person started to build but wasn’t able to finish'" (Luke 14:28–30).