What is addiction?
Here's the answer:

Addiction is when we are dependent on something.
There are many things that can become addictive. People can have tobacco addictions, alcohol addictions, drug addictions, technology additions, and so on. Whenever we become dependent on something, it becomes an addiction. God doesn't want us to be addicted to anything. Addiction can ruin your life and cause many problems.
The Bible says that if anyone is addicted to alcohol, they cannot hold a position of authority within the church (Titus 1:7, 2:3; 1 Timothy 3:3, 3:8). This is because being addicted to alcohol is not healthy for you or those they are serving. If a person is addicted to something, it becomes the god of their life. God warns us about having idols in our lives. Most kids don’t struggle with being addicted to alcohol, but sometimes it is video games or technology.
We are supposed to love God more than anyone or anything (Matthew 22:37-38). Placing anything above God is making it an idol. If someone struggles with addiction, they can get help from doctors, therapists, and mental health professionals. It is also wise to seek help from a pastor or a Christian counselor.

Bible Truth
"He must not get drunk. He must not push people around. He must be gentle. He must not be a person who likes to argue. He must not love money" (1 Timothy 3:3).
"Neither will thieves or those who always want more and more. Neither will those who are often drunk or tell lies or cheat. People who live like that will not receive God’s kingdom" (1 Corinthians 6:10).
"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" (Deuteronomy 6:5).