What is Christian character?
Here's the answer:

Christian character is developed and cultivated when you follow Jesus with your entire heart.
From the time we believe in Jesus, we become followers of Him. A part of being a follower of Jesus means that we are called to properly represent Him to the world. Jesus tells us that we are His little lights (Matthew 5:14-16). As Jesus’ little lights, we need to shine brightly for Him. Part of doing this is having a strong Christian character.
In order to develop Christian character, you need to learn about Jesus and listen to his teachings. You can learn about Jesus by reading the Bible and learning from the Christian grown-ups in our life.
Sometimes difficult situations help us cultivate Christian character. Daniel was a man who chose not to defile himself with unclean foods (Daniel 1:8). Despite being in a foreign land and in a difficult situation, he chose to follow God instead of the culture. In this way, we see his Christian character. We also see Christian character in the lives of Ruth, David, and Job (Ruth 3:11; Psalm 78:72; Job 2:3). All of these individuals chose to stay true to God rather than listening to the world.
You too can develop Christian character by following God, listening to what He says, and applying His teachings to your life. If you struggle in a certain area, ask Him to help you. God is refining you as gold and He is always ready to help you. Trust Him with the process and continue to follow Him.

Bible Truth
"Fire tests silver, and heat tests gold. But the Lord tests our hearts" (Proverbs 17:3).
"My God, I know that you tested our hearts. And you are pleased when we are honest. I’ve given all these things just because I wanted to. When I did it, I was completely honest with you. Your people here have also been willing to give to you. And I’ve been happy to see this" (1 Chronicles 29:17).
"So you should try very hard to add goodness to your faith. To goodness, add knowledge. To knowledge, add the ability to control yourselves. To the ability to control yourselves, add the strength to keep going. To the strength to keep going, add godliness" (2 Peter 1:5-6).