What is counseling?

Here's the answer:

Counseling helps us to heal and recover from difficult things. It also helps us understand more about ourselves.

Counseling can be very helpful to a person. No matter how young you are, you can benefit from counseling. Counseling can sometimes be a taboo subject for Christians, but there is nothing wrong with seeking out therapy. A counselor will be able to help you think through any issues you are facing.

Counseling sometimes focuses on mental health, family, marriage, or relationship issues. You can work through these issues and resolve them by working with a counselor. Just as you would go to a doctor when you are sick, you may need to see a counselor when you are struggling with mental health concerns or a conflict with a friend. It is best to see a Christian counselor as they can help you see what God’s Word says about your situation.

If you are in need of counseling, talk with your parents or another trusted adult about it. They will be able to help you get the support you need. Know that you are not weak for needing help. You are very brave and strong for reaching out for help. Counseling can help you with anything you are struggling through, and your counselor will be able to encourage you too.

Bible Truth

"So encourage one another with the hope you have. Build each other up. In fact, that’s what you are doing" (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

"Plans fail without good advice. But they succeed when there are many advisers" (Proverbs 15:22).