What does holy mean?
Here's the answer:

Holy is a word that describes God.
There are lots of words we can use to describe God: love, mercy, truth, justice, and more! Saying God is holy means that He is sinless and perfect. It also means He is separated from all living things because He is above all things and is the Creator who deserves our worship. We should view our holy God with feelings of respect and wonder.
At first, God’s holiness makes us feel afraid because we realize we cannot be sinless like Him. But when we understand and believe that God loves us and wants to save us from our sins and care for us each day, then we lose that fear and God’s love gives us peace and hope for a life with Him in heaven.
God wants us to be holy, living in a way that separates us from the world. Living a holy life means being focused on the Lord and having a heart that He molds and improves each day as we grow in obedience to Him.

Bible Truth
"They [seraphs] were calling out to one another. They were saying, 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD who rules over all. The whole earth is full of his glory'" (Isaiah 6:3).
"May the Lord give you strength in your hearts. Then you will be holy and without blame in the sight of our God and Father. May that be true when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones" (1 Thessalonians 3:13).