What is the glory of God?
Here's the answer:

Glory is a word we use to describe how beautiful God’s character is.
God is amazing. Everything about Him is wonderful and a part of His glory, like His love, kindness, power, patience, and more. God is the only one with true glory, because He is perfect. He is also the only one worthy of our worship. God says in the Bible, "I am the LORD. That is my name! I will not let any other god share my glory. I will not let statues of gods share my praise" (Isaiah 42:8). There is nothing and no one else on earth with God’s glory.
We know God is glorious (full of glory) by the things we see around us, like His beautiful creation. "The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies show that his hands created them" (Psalm 19:1). We can also see God’s glory in the loving things He does for us. When Jesus was on earth, He showed us God’s glory through His perfect life, His love, and His power to do miracles. Jesus is God, so He became a picture of God’s glory for us.
We won’t ever truly be able to see all of God’s glory here on earth, because God is too amazing for our minds to understand. But one day, everyone who believes in God and chooses to follow Him will see all His glory in heaven. What a wonderful day that will be!

Bible Truth
"LORD, may they sing about what you have done, because your glory is great" (Psalm 138:5).
"The LORD is honored over all the nations. His glory reaches to the highest heavens" (Psalm 113:4).
"God said, 'Let light shine out of darkness.’ He made his light shine in our hearts. His light gives us the light to know God’s glory. His glory is shown in the face of Christ [Jesus]" (2 Corinthians 4:6).