What is witchcraft?
Here's the answer:

Witchcraft is part of the occult and has many practices that are not honoring to God.
Through using spells and "special" power, witchcraft can be very dangerous. God is clear that He does not want anyone to engage in witchcraft. It is evil and only does harm.
There are two sources of spiritual power in the world—God and Satan. God is completely light and He is good. Satan is evil and he does everything he can to cause God problems. Since there are only two sources of spiritual power in the world, witchcraft has to use one of these sources. God hates witchcraft, so we know it isn’t His power. Witchcraft comes from Satan and his evil spiritual power.
The Bible tells us to resist Satan (James 4:7). God’s power is always stronger than Satan’s, so we have no reason to be afraid. Witchcraft can sound scary, but God will protect us. It is important to not engage in witchcraft or to become interested in this practice. Choose to instead follow God and obey Him.

Bible Truth
"Dear children, you belong to God. You have not accepted the teachings of the false prophets. That’s because the one who is in you is powerful. He is more powerful than the one who is in the world" (1 John 4:4).
"Here are things you must not do. Don’t sacrifice your children in the fire to other gods. Don’t practice any kind of evil magic at all. Don’t use magic to try to explain the meaning of warnings in the sky or of any other signs. Don’t take part in worshiping evil powers. Don’t put a spell on anyone. Don’t get messages from those who have died. Don’t talk to the spirits of the dead. Don’t get advice from the dead. The Lord your God hates it when anyone does these things. The nations in the land he’s giving you do these things he hates. So he will drive out those nations to make room for you" (Deuteronomy 18:10-12).
"Outside the city are those who are impure. These people include those who practice witchcraft. Outside are also those who commit sexual sins and murder. Outside are those who worship statues of gods. And outside is everyone who loves and does what is false" (Revelation 22:15).