Does Jesus love me?
Here's the answer:

Yes, He does!
A lot of people wonder if Jesus loves them. But no matter who asks that question, the answer is always, "Yes!"
The Bible says in John 3:16 that "God love[s] the world so much." It doesn’t say that God loves only nice people, or God loves only talented people—it says God loves the whole world! He created each one of us, and He thinks each one of us is special and unique. In fact, He created us so we could have a perfect relationship with Him.
Sadly, though, the first people God created disobeyed God and brought sin into the lives of each and every person born after them. God is perfect, so He can’t have a relationship with people who sin. But God loves us too much to give up a relationship with us! So He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth to die and pay the penalty for our sin (Romans 5:8). All we have to do to get back that relationship with God is to believe in what Jesus did for us and accept that He paid for our sin. The Bible says, "Believe in the Lord Jesus. Then you...will be saved" (Acts 16:31). When we do that, God sees Jesus’ perfection instead of our sin, and we are able to have a relationship with Him again.
Now you might ask, "How much does Jesus love me?" Well, we can see that answer in the fact that Jesus chose to die for us. Jesus didn’t deserve to die, because He has never done anything wrong. But He was willing to come to earth, live as a man, and die on a cross for our sins. And He rose from the dead three days later to show us that He has power over death! Now that’s love!
You can pray to receive Jesus as your Savior right now and accept His love and eternal life. There is no special prayer you have to pray, but you can respond with a prayer like this:
"Dear God, I realize I am a sinner and could never reach heaven on my own. Right now I trust in Jesus Christ who died and rose from the dead to give me eternal life. Please forgive me of my sins and help me to live for you. Thank you for accepting me and giving me eternal life."
If you trusted in Jesus as your Savior after reading this article, please click on the “I trusted in Jesus today” button below.

Bible Truth
"God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life" (John 3:16).
"What is love? It is not that we loved God. It is that he loved us and sent his Son to give his life to pay for our sins" (1 John 4:10).
"So we know that God loves us. We depend on it" (1 John 4:16a).