What is the armor of God?
Here's the answer:

The armor of God is a list of items that are described in Ephesians 6:10–18.
What is the armor of God? Each piece of the armor of God is a symbol for how God wants to help us if we trust in Him. The armor makes us think of the things that a real soldier would use in a battle. We are also in a "battle" against Satan and the evil things he has placed in this world. If we use the armor to fight Satan, then we will glorify God and show His power to others.
Belt of Truth
If we read and study the truth of God’s Word, the Bible, then God will protect us from Satan’s lies. When we memorize Scripture, we will be able to remember those words in difficult situations.
Breastplate of Righteousness
This is the righteousness (right standing before God) that Jesus gives us when we trust in Him. It protects our hearts like a warrior’s breastplate protects his body. When God looks at us, he no longer sees sin, but sees Jesus’s perfection instead.
Sandals of Peace
Our feet must be ready for spiritual battles against God’s enemies. We must watch out for traps and danger as we walk with Jesus.
Shield of Faith
This shield protects us from any doubts Satan may try to put in our minds about God’s goodness and love. When we have a strong faith in God, we trust him no matter what happens.
Helmet of Salvation
The helmet protects our heads (our minds) to help us think clearly and understand God’s promises of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Sword of the Spirit
The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God—the Bible. This is our battle weapon that gives us power to fight Satan and his evil plans.
Prayer is not a symbol like the other pieces of armor, but the Bible tells us that prayer is also very powerful. Just like the Sword of the Spirit, prayer is a weapon we can use when Satan tries to tempt us or tells us lies.

Bible Truth
"Finally, let the Lord make you strong. Depend on his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor. Then you can stand firm against the devil’s evil plans. Our fight is not against human beings. It is against the rulers, the authorities and the powers of this dark world. It is against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly world. So put on all of God’s armor. Evil days will come. But you will be able to stand up to anything. And after you have done everything you can, you will still be standing. So stand firm. Put the belt of truth around your waist. Put the armor of godliness on your chest. Wear on your feet what will prepare you to tell the good news of peace. Also, pick up the shield of faith. With it you can put out all of the flaming arrows of the evil one. Put on the helmet of salvation. And take the sword of the Holy Spirit. The sword is God’s word. At all times, pray by the power of the Spirit. Pray all kinds of prayers. Be watchful, so that you can pray. Always keep on praying for all of God’s people" (Ephesians 6:10–18).