What is the breath of life?
Here's the answer:

The breath of life is the life and power that God breathed into mankind that allows us to be alive.
When God created Adam, He formed him out of the dust of the ground and then He breathed the breath of life into Adam (Genesis 2:7). This made Adam and all humans unique among all of God’s creation. We have the breath of life in us. God is the One who breathes the breath of life into us. God is the only source of life.
Imagine this: when God created Adam’s body, Adam was just laying on the ground. He did not have the breath of life in him yet. Then all of a sudden, God breathed the breath of life into him. This caused Adam to have a spirit and to be alive. God’s breath gave Adam life!
Since we have the breath of life in us, it means that we will live forever. The breath of life that God gave us never dies. When our physical bodies die, we can go to be with God in heaven because we believe in His Son, Jesus.

Bible Truth
"Then the LORD God formed a man. He made him out of the dust of the ground. God breathed the breath of life into him. And the man became a living person" (Genesis 2:7).
"He then breathed on them. He said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit'" (John 20:22).