Why do I need to be saved?
Here's the answer:

All people are sinners in need of God’s salvation.
The Bible is clear that people need to be saved by God. Why? Here are some reasons salvation is necessary:
• We are sinners – Romans 3:23 says, "Everyone has sinned. No one measures up to God’s glory." Sin is anything we think, say, or do that God doesn’t like. The Bible says that all people have sinned. That means you’ve sinned, your teacher has sinned, your pastor has sinned. Everyone has sinned. "It is written, 'No one is right with God, no one at all. No one understands. No one trusts in God. All of them have turned away. They have all become worthless. No one does anything good, no one at all'" (Romans 3:10-12).
• There is a penalty for sin – Romans 6:23 says, "When you sin, the pay you get is death. But God gives you the gift of eternal life. That’s because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done." Because of sin, we are separated from God.
God knew that sin would ruin the world, so He sent His Son to die for sin and allow a way for us to be forgiven. That’s good news! God has provided a way for you to be saved from the penalties of sin.

Bible Truth
"A human heart is more dishonest than anything else. It can’t be healed. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9).
"They replied, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus. Then you and everyone living in your house will be saved'" (Acts 16:31).