As a kid, how can I be joyful when hard stuff is happening?
Here's the answer:

God can give you strength and comfort when times are hard.
Have you ever found yourself happy one moment and sad the next? Our emotions, strange and wonderful as they are, can take us on roller coaster rides of dizzying highs and tearful lows. Some people are more emotional than others.
Even God experiences emotions! The Bible says that Jesus cried at the tomb of His friend Lazarus (John 11:32–36). Jesus also joyfully gave thanks and praise to His Father. Our Heavenly Father feels sadness, anger, joy, and happiness.
How do we remain joyful when bad things happen? Well, joy doesn't mean that we’re always really happy no matter what happens. Sometimes it’s happiness, but sometimes it’s just being content with what God has given us and trusting in Him to take care of us. He will comfort us and give us strength to get through if we let Him. He knows that hard times can make us stronger people.
It’s true that life has sadness, but the day will come when Jesus will wipe away the tears of those who believe in Him. So the pain we have today will not hurt us forever. In other words, a new day is coming when death, sickness, hunger, and sadness will be no more! Jesus is coming back and He will fix this broken planet. We can give thanks to God because He has promised you and me a happy ending.
When hard times are happening, just remember they won’t last forever. And if you talk to God and trust Him to take care of you, then you can have joy in God no matter what’s happening in your life.

Bible Truth
"Give thanks no matter what happens. God wants you to thank him because you believe in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
"We are full of joy even when we suffer. We know that our suffering gives us the strength to go on. The strength to go on produces character. Character produces hope. And hope will never let us down. God has poured his love into our hearts. He did it through the Holy Spirit, whom he has given to us" (Romans 5:3–5).
"Sobbing can remain through the night. But joy comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5).