I became a Christian! Now what should I do?
Here's the answer:

Welcome to God’s family!
When you accepted God’s gift of salvation, you became a son or daughter of God. Don’t worry—you’re still a part of your family here on earth. But when you believed in Jesus, you joined a second, heavenly family.
You’ve made a decision that will affect your entire life. When you accepted God’s gift of salvation, the Bible says you became a new creation! So, what do you do now? How to you start to live your life for Jesus?
• Tell someone. When you have good news, it’s normal to tell someone! Consider telling your parents, your pastor, or your Sunday school teacher.
• Find a church that teaches the Bible (if you’re not in one already). The church isn’t just a building. It’s a group of people who love Jesus. These people will help you learn about God and how to live your new life in Christ.
• Get to know God better by reading your Bible and praying. You can talk to God about anything! Reading the Bible is like reading your life’s instruction book. When you get a new toy, the instructions tell you how to put it together and how it works. The Bible is God’s instructions for your life. It tells you how to live.
• Find friends who love Jesus too. Christian friends can help you and encourage you. This doesn’t mean you have to dump all your friends who don’t know about Jesus. Tell them about Him and let them know that you might have to say “no” if they want you to do wrong things.
• Talk to your pastor about baptism. The word baptize means "to dip under water." A pastor dips a believer under the water and then raises him out of the water a moment later. Baptism shows what happens to a believer at salvation. It’s a way to publically share about your salvation with others.
As a new son or daughter of God, you will have questions. Come back and ask us any questions you have about your new relationship with God. Asking questions is a great way to learn and grow.

Bible Truth
"How great is the love the Father has given us so freely! Now we can be called children of God. And that’s what we really are!" (1 John 3:1)
"Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation. The old is gone! The new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17).