One of my parents died and I’m sad. Can God help me?

Here's the answer:

Losing a parent is hard. God can help you by giving you comfort.

It is very sad when a parent dies. It hurts our hearts very much. It can be hard to heal after a parent dies, but know that God is always there with you. He promises to never leave your side (Hebrews 13:5). God will walk with you through every hill and valley (Psalm 23). When you are feeling sad, talk to God in prayer about how you are feeling.

God is always ready to hear from you. He loves to hear your voice. Tell God how you are feeling and the sadness in your heart. Jesus knows what it is like to lose someone close to you. His dear friend Lazarus died and the Bible tells us Jesus wept (John 11:35). The Lord knows how you feel and He can help you. Pour your heart out to Him in prayer.

It is also helpful to talk to a trusted adult about your feelings. He or she can help support you and walk with you through this difficult time.

Grief is normal after a parent has died. It is okay to take your time to grieve. You can take all the time you need. God will help you, but it will take time and even with time, you will still miss your parent. Our parents are important people in our lives and it’s normal to feel sad after one of them dies. It is hard when a parent dies, yet God is always by our side giving us strength and surrounding us with His love.

Bible Truth

"Jesus wept" (John 11:35).

"LORD, heal me. Then I will be healed. Save me from my enemies. Then I will be saved. You are the one I praise" (Jeremiah 17:14).

"He heals those who have broken hearts. He takes care of their wounds" (Psalm 147:3).