The LEGO Movie is an epic telling of the whirlwind adventures of Emmett the LEGO Man (voiced by Chris Pratt). All his life, Emmett has strived to fit into the crowd—he uses a specific set of rules for everything he does in his daily routine. However, through a series of events, he finds out that he is the most important person in the universe. The film follows his adventures with numerous other LEGO characters, including the villain of the movie, Lord Business (Will Ferrell).
This film has a star-studded cast who make the adventures both fun and entertaining. The list of voice actors include Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Jonah Hill, and many others. The storyline is quite creative, the humor witty, and the action exciting. And, believe it or not, the movie is very clean (with the mild exception of some butt jokes).
While the movie is fun and creative, the underlying message is a bit questionable. In the film’s ending, the characters learn that everyone is the “most important person in the universe,” and each person can do anything and everything they want—even if others tell them they shouldn’t. In the film's LEGO world there are no rules, no bedtimes, and no government. Everyone does what they want, when they want, and each LEGO in the “world” is happy and fulfilled. On the surface, the themes of perseverance and determination are good; but a fine line exists between those ideas and the message of “do what you want because there are no rules.” This movie is still a great one for kids, but parents may find they want to discuss this aspect before or after the movie.
Overall, The LEGO Movie lives up to its theme song, “Everything is Awesome.” The film is clever, fun, and unique. It makes one ask the question, “Why has there never been a LEGO movie before?!” It's a clean movie full of color, exciting adventures, and fun music—a great one for kids and adults alike. I found it to be thoroughly enjoyable and “awesome.”
Bethany Pegors is a wife, blogger, barista, and photographer. She graduated with a Biblical Studies degree from Moody Bible Institute in 2011, and enjoys writing about life and theology. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies, playing sports, disc golfing, and photographing everything in sight.