What’s the story of the lost sheep?
Here's the answer:

The story of the lost sheep is a beautiful one! It is about how a shepherd left 99 sheep in order to find his one missing sheep.
The story of the lost sheep is told by Jesus. The story goes like this: There was a shepherd who had 100 sheep. One of his sheep wandered off. The shepherd left the 99 sheep in order to find the one lost sheep. The shepherd cared so much about that one sheep that he left the 99 to find it. After he finds the sheep, he is super happy!
This story of the shepherd leaving the 99 in order to find the one lost sheep is what God does with us. He would leave the 99 in order to find the one that wandered off. God is not willing for one of His children to be lost. Just like how the shepherd rejoiced over his found lost sheep, God is really happy when a person turns to Him.
The next time you come across a farm and see sheep, remember this story. Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He laid down His life for us. He doesn’t want any of us to be lost. Jesus will willingly leave the 99 in order to find the one lost sheep. He loves each of us that much. Wow!

Bible Truth
"Then Jesus told them a story. He said, 'Suppose one of you has 100 sheep and loses one of them. Won’t he leave the 99 in the open country? Won’t he go and look for the one lost sheep until he finds it?'" (Luke 15:3-4).
"I tell you, it will be the same in heaven. There will be great joy when one sinner turns away from sin. Yes, there will be more joy than for 99 godly people who do not need to turn away from their sins" (Luke 15:7).
"What I’m about to tell you is true. If he finds that sheep, he is happier about the one than about the 99 that didn’t wander off. It is the same with your Father in heaven. He does not want any of these little ones to die" (Matthew 18:13-14).