My friend is adopted. What does that mean?

Here's the answer:

The word adopt means “to take a child of other parents as one’s own.” Often, children are adopted because their birth parents are not able to take care of them or their birth parents have died.

The word adopt means “to take a child of other parents as one’s own.” Often, children are adopted because their birth parents are not able to take care of them or their birth parents have died.

The process of adoption can be difficult and sometimes stressful. After a long process, the adoptive parents can pick up the child they have adopted. The son or daughter they have adopted is their child forever.

There are examples of adoption in the Bible. Esther was adopted by her Uncle Mordecai who adopted her to be his own daughter when Esther’s parents died (Esther 2:7).

God wants each one of us to be adopted by Him as His child. He adopts us as His children when we put our faith in Him by trusting that Jesus came to earth to die for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day to show His victory over sin and death. If you have already believed what Jesus has done for you by faith, you are God’s adopted son or daughter.

You can be adopted as a child of God today.

Bible Truth

"So he decided long ago to adopt us. He adopted us as his children with all the rights children have. He did it because of what Jesus Christ has done. It pleased God to do it" (Ephesians 1:5).

"And that’s not all. We have the Holy Spirit as the promise of future blessing. But we also groan inside ourselves. We do this as we look forward to the time when God adopts us as full members of his family. Then he will give us everything he has for us. He will raise our bodies and give glory to them" (Romans 8:23).