What is intercessory prayer?
Here's the answer:

Intercessory prayer is when you pray on behalf of another person.
Intercessory prayer is important. You can participate in intercession prayer today! You don’t have to be a grown-up or a pastor to pray for someone else. You can pray on behalf of anyone—family, friends, neighbors, and even your enemies.
The Apostle Paul was a person who prayed on behalf of others. Paul prayed on behalf of all Christians in each congregation where he preached (Romans 15:30; Colossians 4:2-3). Daniel also prayed for others. Just like Paul and Daniel, when we pray, we should seek glory for God—not ourselves.
You can pray for all people in intercessory prayer. You can pray for wisdom, healing, or help for others. You should even pray for those who hurt you. Who will you pray on behalf of today?

Bible Truth
"Pray for kings. Pray for everyone who is in authority. Pray that we can live peaceful and quiet lives. And pray that we will be godly and holy" (2 Timothy 2:2).
"At all times, pray by the power of the Spirit. Pray all kinds of prayers. Be watchful, so that you can pray. Always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people" (Ephesians 6:18).
"Bless those who call down curses on you. And pray for those who treat you badly" (Luke 6:28).