Why do we go to church on Sundays?
Here's the answer:

Sunday is a celebration! The early Christians worshipped together on the first day of the week, Sunday, to celebrate that Jesus had risen from the dead.

Christians have chosen Sunday as a special day to go to church and worship God as a group. Sunday is a chance to honor the Lord and have a weekly reminder that we serve a risen Savior.
Don’t forget, though—we can and should worship God every day of the week!

Bible Truth
"Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy" (Exodus 20:8).
"Let us not give up meeting together. Some are in the habit of doing this. Instead, let us cheer each other up with words of hope. Let us do it all the more as you see the day coming when Christ will return" (Hebrews 10:25).
"So don’t let anyone judge you because of what you eat or drink. Don’t let anyone judge you about holy days. I’m talking about special feasts and New Moons and Sabbath days" (Colossians 2:16).