Why do we close our eyes when we pray?
Here's the answer:

Sometimes people close their eyes to help them focus on what they are saying without being distracted.
The Bible gives us a few important things to remember about prayer. Remember that we are talking to God. Pray often, thanking God and asking Him for help. And don’t think that you have to talk for hours or use really big words!
Prayer is about talking honestly to God about what is going on. Sometimes people close their eyes to help them focus on what they are saying without being distracted. Some people close their eyes because that’s what they were taught to do when they were kids.
The great thing is that if we are remembering who we’re talking to, there’s really no wrong way to pray. You can walk around your neighborhood or school with your eyes wide open and pray for the people you see. Or you can spend time in your bedroom with your eyes shut, praying about things that worry you. God wants to hear from you, and that’s really the important thing: that we talk to God about the things going on in our life!

Bible Truth
"Never stop praying" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
"This is how you should pray. 'Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored'" (Matthew 6:9).