Why do people get sick?
Here's the answer:

People get sick because of the evil that came into the world when Adam and Eve sinned.
When God created the world, everything in it was perfect. In fact, the book of Genesis records the Creation and says, "God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1:10b). Because the world was perfect, there was no sickness or disease. So what went wrong?
Well, Satan tempted Adam and Eve, and they sinned against God by disobeying Him. This sin caused evil to enter the world. As a result, the world was no longer perfect, and from then on we’ve all had to live with the effects of the terrible day when sin entered into God’s perfect creation.
With sin and evil came many other bad things including separation from God, death, shame, guilt, and also sickness and disease. The unfortunate thing is that this affects us all. The Bible tells us this: "Sin entered the world because one man sinned. And death came because of sin. Everyone sinned, so death came to all people" (Romans 5:12). We all live in this imperfect world, and so we all suffer the same consequences.
But God didn’t just give up on us! Instead, He had a perfect rescue plan to sort out the mess sin left us. He sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty of sin and disobedience (read more about that here).
Jesus came to save us from the imperfect world we now live in and promises that all who trust in Him will be washed clean of their sin. When we choose to follow Jesus, we’re guaranteed a place in a new and perfect creation that God has for us in the future. And this time God promises that nothing imperfect can ever enter there. That means no evil, no death, no hatred, no lies, and no sickness or disease. Now that’s something to look forward to!

Bible Truth
"He (God) will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or sadness. There will be no more crying or pain. Things are no longer the way they used to be" (Revelation 21:4).
"God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life" (John 3:16).