What does it mean to praise God?
Here's the answer:

We praise God when we say or show how wonderful we think
He is.
When we think of praising God, probably the first thing that comes to mind is singing. There are "praise bands" at church and "praise songs," so we might associate praise with singing. Singing can be a great way to praise God, but it isn’t the only way we can praise Him.
When our friends do something for us and we tell them how helpful they’ve been, we are praising them for what they have done. So when we pray and thank God for all the wonderful things He does for us, we’re praising Him!
When we tell others about how good God has been to us, we’re praising God as we praise Him before other people.
We can also sing praise songs to Jesus that remind us and others of His love, mercy, and salvation. God loves to hear our voices praising Him!
Finally, when we live our lives in the way God wants us to, we are praising God with our actions. There are many temptations that come our way every day, and when people see us choose God’s way instead, it shows others our love and respect of God’s ways.
So, whether by song, prayer, sharing with others, or living daily for God, we can constantly show our love and praise for God. Even if things aren't going our way all the time, we can put our trust and faith in our great God and show this by praising Him in every situation.

Bible Truth
"So let us never stop offering to God our praise through Jesus" (Hebrews 13:15).
"I will be glad and full of joy because of you. Most High God, I will sing praise to you" (Psalm 9:2).