Questions About The Bible

What is the Bible?
What are the parts of the Bible?Is the Bible still being written?
Why are there so many Bible translations?
Why does the Bible have so many different stories?
How old is the Bible?
How was the Bible put together?
What is New Testament story?
What is Old Testament story?
Why is the Book of Revelation so hard to understand?
What are the Gospels in the Bible?
Why do we have the Bible?
Why did God gives us the Bible?
What language was the Bible written in? What language did they speak?
Why is the Bible divided into chapters and verses? Who did that?
Why isn't the Bible in chronological order?
Who were the authors of the books of the Bible?
Does the original Bible still exist?
Why should we study the Old Testament?
What is the Old Covenant and the New Covenant?
Is the Bible True?
How did people learn about God before they had the Bible?Does the Bible have any mistakes?
Is the Bible true or are the stories just like fairy tales?
How do we know if the Bible is really true?
Is the Bible really God's words?
What does it mean that the Bible is "inspired"?
How long did it take to write the Bible?
Who wrote the Bible?
What is doctrine?
The Bible and Me
Does the Bible say we should take care of the environment?Why did Jesus tell us to chop off our hands and pluck out our eyes?
Why do the Gospels have many of the same stories?
Why do we study the Bible? Can kids study the Bible?
Why do we memorize Bible verses?
Why should we do what the Bible says?
Do we have to follow the Old Testament law now?
Why did God put scary stories in the Bible?
How should I study the Bible?
How can kids understand the Bible?
Is it important to learn what the Bible says? Why?
What are the 10 Commandments? What do they mean?
When I ask a question to GQKidz, why do you always answer with what the Bible says?
Do kids have spiritual gifts?
Are there any promises of God for kids?
Why should the Bible be our source for right and wrong?
What does it mean to meditate?
Can kids have a quiet time/daily devotions?
People of the Bible
What did people in the Bible look like?Who was David?
Who was Esther?
Why do Bible people have such funny names?
Who are the Israelites? Why are they special?
Who was Job?
Who was John the Baptist?
Was Jonah really swallowed by a whale?
Who was Joseph in the Old Testament?
Why did Judas betray Jesus?
Why did people live so long in the Old Testament?
Who was Mary, the mother of Jesus?
Who was Paul in the Bible?
Who was Peter in the Bible?
Who was Ruth in the Bible?
Who were the Sadducees and the Pharisees?
Who was King Saul?
How did Jesus choose the twelve disciples?
Why aren’t there very many women in the Bible?
Who was Zacchaeus?
Who was Samson? Was he good or bad?
Who was Pharaoh? Why didn’t Pharaoh let the people go?
How did Daniel stay safe with in the lions’ den? Was he afraid?
Who was Cain in the Bible?
Who was Eve in the Bible?
Who was Adam in the Bible?
Who was Abel in the Bible?
What does Israel mean in the Bible?
Were there twins in the Bible?
What is a Gentile?
What was a shepherd in the Bible?
What is an heir in the Bible?
Did the people in the Bible have last names?
Why did some people’s names change in the Bible?
Why do people in the Bible sometimes have more than one name?
Where was the garden of Eden?
What is the significance of the Sea of Galilee in the Bible?
Why is the Jordan River important in the Bible?
What happened at the Mount of Transfiguration?
Where was the garden of Eden?
How old was Adam when he died?
Who were the Samaritans? What is a Samaritan?
Who were the Philistines?
Who was Baal?
How long ago did the people in the Bible live?
Who had red hair in the Bible?
What is a patriarch?
What were the tribes of Israel?
Why is it important to study the various people in the Bible?
Who was Samuel in the Bible?
Who was Boaz in the Bible?
Who was Gideon in the Bible?
Who was Deborah in the Bible?
Who was Moses in the Bible?
Who was Rebekah in the Bible?
Who was Sarah in the Bible?
Who was Abraham in the Bible?
How old was Noah when he died?
Who was Aaron in the Bible?
Who was Isaac in the Bible?
Who was Jonah in the Bible?
Who was Daniel in the Bible?
Who was Solomon in the Bible?
What can we learn from the story of David and Goliath?
Who was Elijah in the Bible?
Who was Elisha in the Bible?
Who was Abigail in the Bible?
Who was Jonathan in the Bible?
Who was Nehemiah in the Bible?
Who was Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible?
Who was Isaiah in the Bible?
Who was King Josiah in the Bible?
What is the difference between a disciple and an apostle?
Who was Andrew in the Bible?
Who are the Marys in the Bible?
Who were Philip and Nathaniel in the Bible?
How old were Jesus’ disciples?
What happened to Mary, Jesus’ mother?
What is an apostle?
Who was Matthew in the Bible?
What is the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth?
Who was Simon the Zealot?
Who was Joseph, the father of Jesus?
Who was John the Apostle?
Who was Titus in the Bible?
Who was Mary Magdalene?
Who was Lazarus in the Bible?
Who was Timothy in the Bible?
Who was Luke in the Bible?
Who was Pontius Pilate?
Was Judas saved?
Who was Thomas in the Bible?
Who was Nicodemus in the Bible?
Who was Judas Iscariot?
Events in the Bible
How did Noah get all the animals into the ark?If lying is a sin, why did some people in the Bible tell lies?
How long ago were Bible times?
Were there dinosaurs on Noah's ark?
Does the Bible say anything about dinosaurs?
What is the story of David and Goliath?
How did Moses part the Red Sea?
How come some men in the Bible had multiple wives?
What does the rainbow mean?
What is a prophet in the Bible? Can I be a prophet?
What is a Christian martyr?
Why did Cain kill Abel?
Why did God ask Abraham to kill his son?
Why did God send the plagues and other horrible things?
Why did Joseph’s brothers sell him?
Why did the Israelites wander for 40 years until they died?
Why did God send a flood?
How did people in the Bible travel from one place to another?
Why was Moses afraid to go see Pharaoh?
How did God use dreams in the Bible?
What happened at the Tower of Babel?
How was the flood of Noah just?
How long did it take Noah to build the ark? How long was he in the ark?
Was the forbidden fruit an apple?
Places in the Bible
Do people still live in the places the Bible talks about?What is the Temple Mount?
What happened at the garden of Gethsemane?
What happened at the Mount of Olives?
What was the Holy of Holies?
Why were the walls and gates of Jerusalem so important?